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SRX25740826: MNase-seq of S. cerevisiae derivative yGWG538: pZEVi-LYS2 uninduced (0nM Beta-Estradiol), Rep 2
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) run: 21.7M spots, 2.2G bases, 719.9Mb downloads

Design: Chromatin from formalin-crosslinked yeast was digested with MNase for 60 minutes to generate predominantly mono-nucleosome DNA fragments within the 100-200bp range. After de-crosslinking, DNA was purified with a phenol-based method and then further purified with a column (Clean & Concentrator, Zymo). Sequencing libraries were prepared from purified DNA samples using the automated KAPA general DNA-seq kit to introduce Illumina adapters and dual-indexing for multiplexed, paired-end (51 x 2) sequencing that reads the ends of each DNA fragment.
Submitted by: NYU Langone Health
Study: MNase-seq data from triplicate induction experiments with pZEVi-LYS2 yeast
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Paired-end sequencing of genomic DNA fragments purified from the MNase-digested chromatin of formalin-crosslinked yeast samples prepared in biological triplicate. Each biological replicate was treated with Beta-Estradiol (15nM or 1000nM) to induce pZEVi or left untreated (0nM) during growth at 30C in SC-Leu-Ura media that maintains Cas9/sgRNA episomes. The sgRNA was non-targeting in this strain background.
SAMN43230664 • SRS22380524 • All experiments • All runs
Name: pZEVi-LYS2_0nM_Rep2
Instrument: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Strategy: MNase-Seq
Selection: MNase
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 21.7M spots, 2.2G bases, 719.9Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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